"The Ramadan Drummer," won the 2025 Notable Social Studies Trade Book Award by the the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) and the Children’s Book Council (CBC). This award list features K-12 annotated titles published in the previous calendar year that are exceptional books for use in social studies classrooms, selected by social studies educators.
To learn more: https://www.cbcbooks.org/cbc-book-lists/nsstb-2025/
Check out Sahtinay Abaza's recent interview hosted by Stephanie Affinito on the KidLit Love podcast, featuring both books "The Ramadan Drummer," and "Looking for the Eid Moon" and discussing the beautiful traditions of Ramadan and Eid.
To listen to the full interview: https://www.alitlife.com/2024/04/01/sahtinay-abaza-the-ramadan-drummer-the-eid-moon/
Check out Sahtinay Abaza's recent interview hosted by Dr. Diane on the Adventures in Learning podcast, featuring both "The Ramadan Drummer," and "Looking for the Eid Moon."
To listen to the full interview: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/championing-diversity-the-magic-of-muslim/id1637889742?i=1000651261905
SLJ lists "Looking for the Eid Moon," in their March 20, 2024 article. "Here are some picture books, along with a board book and an early reader, to share with young ones while they wait for the crescent moon."
To read the full article: https://www.slj.com/story/waiting-for-the-crescent-moon-5-books-about-eid-al-fitr
Seasons Of KidLit featured both "The Ramadan Drummer," and “Looking for the Eid Moon,” on their March 2024 blog.
To read Sahtinay Abaza's full interview check out the link below:
Kirkus review lists "The Ramadan Drummer," in their March 7, 2024 article.
"Adam, the protagonist of Sahtinay Abaza’s The Ramadan Drummer (Reycraft Books, Jan. 16), is fasting, and all he can think about is food. But that changes after he dreams of the Ramadan Drummer, who, according to his mother and aunt, used to awaken everyone each morning before sunrise so they could eat their last meal before the fast began," by Manhnaz Dar.
To read the full article: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/news-and-features/articles/4-picture-books-to-celebrate-the-muslim-holidays/
SLJ lists "The Ramadan Drummer" in their Feb 28, 2024" article. "This selection of picture books features various traditions and ways to celebrate the holy month, showing young readers the diversity within the Muslim community while celebrating the shared principles." To read the full article: https://www.slj.com/story/News%20%26%20Features/fasting-and-feasting-6-picture-books-about-ramadan
Had a wonderful time reading “The Ramadan Drummer” to a group of First, Second and Third grade students during the month of Ramadan!
KidLit In Color featured “Looking for the Eid Moon,” a Muslim holiday children book, on their February 2024 blog.
To read Sahtinay Abaza's full essay and discover other incredible Diverse Children Book Authors and Illustrators check out the link below:
"The Ramadan Drummer," a ramadan children book, is a Children's Book Council anticipated Bestseller, listed on their "Hot Off the Press," February 2024 list. "This unique online bibliography features anticipated bestsellers, either recently released or forthcoming, published by CBC members." CBC Website.
To learn more: https://www.cbcbooks.org/cbc-book-lists/february-2024/
What a great way to celebrate the Launch of "The Ramadan Dummer," a Ramadan Children Book, at the 2024 LibLearnX Conference.
This trip was filled with many firsts --- First Book, First Book Signing, First time meeting the wonderful people at Reycraft and Junior Library Guild and First time SNOW :)
For book signing of "The Ramadan Drummer", a Ramadan Children Book, stop by BOOTH 1222 at the 2024 LibLearnX Conference in Baltimore, Maryland on Saturday 01/20/24 between 9:30 – 10:15 AM and 2:00 – 2:45 PM, and on Sunday 01/21/2024 from 11:00 – 11:45 AM.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
To register to LibLearnX: https://2024.alaliblearnx.org/registration